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Philip Reed
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23rd February, 2013

So, according to Google Maps, a walk from Southampton to Cambridge via Trowbridge would be roughly 180 miles in length.

I reckon if someone were to wander that route, not making any particular effort to speed-walk or anything, that could accomplished in a couple of weeks pretty simply.

Just sayin'...


18th January, 2013

Evolution of a jungle back into a garden (kinda):

I have a jungle outside my back door...

Oh, there's my table! Thanks gardeners.

More massive pruning and clearance.

This is England! What's that white stuff!?


15th December, 2012

So, apparently (according to my family), one does not simply "pop" over to Bulgaria for a business trip.

"Pah!", I say to them! "Pah!"


6th December, 2012

Things I learnt from my recent Reddit post:

  • Reddit loves it when you don't label your axes, even if you clearly explain them in the post title.
  • Reddit loves it when you don't label the blank whitespace at the top of a stacked chart.
  • When someone asks for data you've collated, and promises to contact you back when they've used it - they're mostly lying.


1st December, 2012

Okay, let's see how Site5 holds up. I don't know what level of traffic I'm going to see, but there was no way I was going to risk running a competition on my old Demon site, that's for sure.


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